Past Events

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Biomathematics Seminar: Pattern Recognition in Forensic Evidence Analysis

Arun Moorthy (of Trent University) will be providing a talk on the process of analyzing seized drugs and discuss some of the interesting mathematical modeling and statistical inference (and basic computing) problems that one encounters in the analysis of forensic evidence. Arun will also discuss and reflect on their experience working in a large multidisciplinary research team at a national laboratory, transitioning between research areas, and the challenge of disseminating actionable solutions to community stakeholders.   We hope to see you there!  

Acceleration of First-Order Methods in Optimization (Dr. Samir Adly, Universite de Limoges)

This presentation, aimed at a broad spectrum of researchers, highlights the latest advancements in the acceleration of first-order optimization algorithms, a field that currently attracts the attention of many research teams worldwide. First-order methods, such as gradient descent or stochastic gradient, have gained significant popularity. The seminal development in this area can be attributed to Yurii Nesterov, who proposed a class of accelerated gradient methods in 1983 that demonstrated faster global convergence rates than gradient descent.
Image of Dr. Joshua Speagle

Nested Sampling: Past, Present, and Future (Dr. Joshua Speagle)

Dr. Speagle will provide an overview of Nested Sampling, a complementary framework to Markov Chain Monte Carlo approaches that is designed to estimate marginal likelihoods (i.e. Bayesian evidences) and posterior distributions. He will start by discussing some of the technical details and history behind the approach, focusing on its motivation, formulation, and execution (the Past).

Career Information Conversation: Credit Risk Analytics with Canadian Tire Bank

Join the Credit Management and Banking Operations division from Canadian Tire Bank for a discussion (with pizza!) on what they do and how your background in math, stats or computer science could be the perfect fit for a career as a data scientist.  Enjoy casual conversation with data scientists and managers, as they discuss a variety topics in the areas of data extraction, machine-learning model development and general analytics workflow, with examples of how it’s being used within the bank.  Questions about a day in the life of a CTB data scientist?

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