Graduate Application Checklist
Not sure where to start? Follow the Application Checklist below!
It's never too early to start planning your application to Graduate Studies.
Ensure that you have the correct Admissions Requirements
- For the M.Sc. Degree Program:
- an honours degree with an equivalent of a major or minor in the intended stream (mathematics or statistics).
Note: Strong applicants with more diverse backgrounds will also be considered but are encouraged to contact a potential advisor before applying.
- an honours degree with an equivalent of a major or minor in the intended stream (mathematics or statistics).
- For the Ph.D. Degree Program:
- typically, a recognized master's degree obtained with high academic standing.
Note: The departmental Graduate Studies Committee will consider applications for direct entry to the Ph.D. program and for transfer from the M.Sc. to Ph.D. programs. A member of the department's graduate faculty must agree to act as an advisor to the student.
- typically, a recognized master's degree obtained with high academic standing.
Find potential Faculty Advisors
- Examine the List of Faculty Research Interests in both Mathematics and Statistics to find faculty whose research interests align with yours.
- Visit Faculty websites and look at examples of recent projects/theses/publications to see if you may be a good fit!
Contact potential Faculty Advisors
It is important to enhance your visibility among all the applications that we receive.
Contact potential Faculty Advisors to discuss their research, funding availability and whether or not they are considering applications for graduate positions.
Follow the formal Application procedure
Applications to our graduate programs are handled centrally by the university. Please visit Graduate Studies for details on the procedure.
M.Sc. applicants will be required to choose between a thesis-based M.Sc. and a course-based M.Sc at the time of application. Applicants who have a potential M.Sc. supervisor in mind are strongly advised to consult with their potential supervisor before making this choice.
There is no strict deadline for application into our graduate program. Regular entry point for all graduate programs is September. In order to receive full consideration for funding, applications should be received no later than mid-February (exact date to be published on main department page). Funding may be limited for applications received after that date. Students interested in beginning graduate studies in Summer or Winter should contact the graduate program assistant or the graduate coordinator prior to the application deadline. Anyone interested in any other entry semester must contact the graduate program assistant first prior to applying as space is very limited.