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February 2024

AI Accelerated Molecular Based Discovery of CO2 Capture Solvents (Valeria Telles)

This Biomathematics seminar will be presented by Valeria Telles (MSc Mathematics Student). Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is a key technology in reducing global anthropogenic CO2 emissions that affect climate change. Studies have shown that aqueous solutions of alkanolamines, such as monoethanolamine (MEA), are promising solvents for post-combustion CO2 capture by reactive absorption.

Career Readiness Workshop: Job Search (with Amoy Marshall Green)

Join us for a Job Search Workshop with Amoy Marshall Green, a career advisor for CEPS.  This workshop will focus on preparation for data science related positions, but the job search techniques and tools would apply for M&S graduates as well! Amoy will discuss ways to achieve your post-graduate career goals through an interactive discussion of job search topics like LinkedIn, networking, informational interviews, elevator pitches, tech job boards, job search techniques, and more. Bring your lunch, job search material, and questions!  

The Coupling Method for Central Moment Bounds in Exponential Last-Passage Percolation (Janosch Ortmann)

KPZ universality describes a scaling behaviour that differs from the central limit theorem by the size of the fluctuations (cube-root instead of square-root) and the limiting distribution. Instead of the Gaussian, the Tracy-Widom distributions from random matrix theory appear in the limit. It is a long standing conjecture that the KPZ universality class contains a large group of models, including particle systems and polymer models.