MSc Math Defence: Theoretical Exploration of a Non-cooperative Dual Management Fishery: Expanded Application of a Non-generalized Socio-Economic Model

Date and Time


Summerlee Science Complex Room 1511




ABSTRACT:  Our goal was to determine the effect that two distinctly different fisheries' management strategies have on a single population of Lake Whitefish in Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. A model was chosen after careful examination of extensive historical developments in fisheries science, social science, and, economics. A system of three differential equations, with stochasticity, are presented. They are an extension from a single management system into a dual management system. We analyzed the existence, and, stability of solutions to this system of differential equations. Numerical simulations are then given for a case study between the Saugeen-Ojibway, and, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The simulations provided great insight towards understanding how two independent managements can "interact" on a single resource. Our results indicate that it is possible for coexistence between these two fisheries, as well as the Lake Whitefish, over a time span of 100 years, even in the absence of cooperation.


Advisory Committee

  • H. Kunze, Advisor
  • D. Gillis, Co-advisor
  • K. Levere

Examining Committee

  • R. Pereira, Chair
  • D. Gillis
  • K. Levere
  • S. Gismondi

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