Monica Cojocaru receives NSERC ENGAGE grant

Posted on Monday, December 5th, 2016

We are pleased to announce that Department of Mathematics and Statistics professor Monica Cojocaru has been awarded an NSERC ENGAGE grant. The research funded by this grant proposes to analyze changes in prevention policies against viral infections (enteric, influenza, etc.) that can be implemented in a child care setting, beyond the currently mandated ones, in accordance with current Public Health of Canada guidelines.

This study will deliver a model that can be applied to determine the dissemination routes of viral contamination, together with the impact of intervention strategies that may be applied to lower infected numbers. The model will take into account the novel features of child care facilities over the more widely studied clinical and senior care homes. Specifically, there are a high proportion of asymptomatic carriers that can acquire infections from outside and within the facility. Moreover, transfer of pathogens can spread via person-to-person contact, in addition to being acquired by contact with contaminated surfaces. 

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